I always believed that people connect by eating together or sharing some drinks and when I came to Japan I loved seeing people in restaurants, izakayas, and bars coming together and having a great time. I was especially fascinated by all the dishes I did not know and by the beautiful labels on the bottles inside the fridges and on top of the counters. I was curious to try them and find out more about the sake inside these bottles. However, I soon realized that not many people were drinking Japanese sake. This confused me a little because the more I tried it, the more I fell in love with it and I wanted to share this with everyone. I felt that so much about sake was connected to Japanese culture and I wanted people to see that. For people coming to Japan to get to go to a local restaurant, eat regional dishes and drink local sake, and most of all to meet local people. Talk and kanpai together!
So when I first heard about Doburoku I did not really understand what it was, but I loved the idea. And once again, the more I tried – the more I loved it!
Doburoku is charming. It’s unique. Its texture is fun and delightful, with every sip or should I say bite luscious and so different to any other drink. And it is just wonderful to see the creativity of many of these Doburoku producers, playful and inventive, yet deeply rooted in tradition, local culture, and community.
So, these days when I see Doburoku I am so excited! And I am looking forward to sharing that excitement and helping more people discover the beauty of Doburoku! ♡
翻訳 N.Y
Cindy Bissig
Obsessed with Japan GK (CEO/Chief Entertainment Officer)
Born in Switzerland, Cindy has lived in multiple countries before she arrived at her second home Ireland, where she spent 15 years before her childhood dream of living in Japan finally came true.
With over 20 years of experience in the Hospitality industry, she worked for high-end hotels, venues, restaurants, and travel companies. She studied hospitality management at the prestigious Institute Cesar Ritz in Switzerland and is a certified International Kikisake-shi. She has passed the coveted Sake Professional Course by John Gauntner, Temple Universities Introduction to Sake, and has gained hands-on experience at Gakkogura on Sado Island, as well as making sake at Miyoshikiku Brewery on Shikoku Island.
In 2019 she started her company Obsessed with Japan, aiming on introducing Japan to a foreign audience through authentic content, tours and helping local governments and businesses.These days she works mainly behind the sake scene promoting local sake tourism & sake breweries as well as creating content and creative social media solutions surrounding them. She is hosting & producing a weekly sake podcast called “Sake Unplugged” and is part of “SAKE ON AIR”, the world’s first sake and shochu podcast, sometimes on but mostly off air as part of their production team. With Sake Nomad she shares her love of Japanese sake, taking you on a journey around sake and Japan.
接客マネジメントをスイスの権威あるCesar Ritzに学び、国際利き酒師の資格を有する。高名なジョン・ゴントナーによる、テンプル大学でのプロ酒コースを修めた。
翻訳 N.Y
Sake Nomad: https://www.sakenomad.com/
Sake On Air: https://sakeonair.com/
Sake Unplugged: https://www.sakeunplugged.com/